Have you ever considered adding value to your business by using hypnotherapy to increase staff motivation and improve overall performance?
Offering on-site hypnotherapy to staff does not just add value, it makes excellent financial sense too!
Let’s look at Stress Management and Anxiety for example: Stress can be harmful both physically and psychologically and undermines performance and will often lead to unnecessary absenteeism. In today’s work environment stress in the second most commonly reported condition in self-reported work related illnesses and it has been reported that an estimated 9.9 million working days in 2014/2015 were lost due to work-related stress, depression and anxiety.
The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) have identified the main benefits of reducing workplace stress.
- Improved staff retention
- Better absence management
- Reduced absenteeism due to sick leave and therefore educed costs of sick pay, sickness cover, overtime and recruitment
- Fewer accidents
- Improved work quality
- Improved organizational image and reputation
- Improved ROI in training and development
- Improved customer care and relationships with clients and suppliers
- Better staff understanding and tolerance of others experiencing problems
is a proven approach to reducing stress, tension and anxiety and can also help with a number of areas within the organizations such as:
- Motivation and goalsetting
- Public speaking and presentational skills
- Increase creativity
It is also proven to help with weight loss, cessation of smoking, insomnia, depression etc.
At RHB Wellbeing we offer a number of services, from workshops to group sessions and one-to-one sessions that can be beneficial to your company and its employees. We cover a number of areas and always develop a tailor-made programme for each organization we work with.
- Improved motivated and commitment to work
- Increased morale
- Improved personal performance
- People feel that they are part of a team and the decision-making process leading to higher change acceptance easier management
- Better social relationships in the work environment with managers and colleagues
- Happier individuals – happier staff
Book Today
If you are interested in finding out more about corporate hypnotherapy please contact Richard Bolton for a no-obligation discussion.
Disclaimer: as with any hypnotherapy practice, there is no guarantee that therapy will be effective in every individual case. Any therapy requires that the client be committed to change and be prepared to make the effort to make that change a reality. There is a possibility that you may not achieve your desired outcome.